You Should Know About The Database Activity Monitoring Technology

It’s important to know that Database activity monitoring or DAM is a database security technology that is used for monitoring and analyzing the database activity that operates independently of the database DBMS(Database Management System) and thus does not rely on any form of native DBMS-resident and with time and with the advancement of technology one can easily find different Database activity monitoring tools to help you with the process of Database activity monitoring, however If you’re looking ahead for Database activity monitoring tools then it’s important to spend some time in doing your own research in analyzing and checking the details of different Database activity monitoring tools so that you can select the best tool for all your Database activity monitoring needs as different organizations and users have different organizational need and thus it’s to choose the Database activity monitoring that matches your specific vision and organizational needs.

The Database management is made easy over time with the application manager as it’s the database monitoring tool to help you to monitor a heterogeneous database server environment that may consists of oracle database, MS SQL etc. If you’re searching for Database activity monitoring then it’s also important to know about database firewall as we all know that the database firewalls are a type of web application firewalls that monitors the database to identify and protect it against the database specific attacks that mostly seek to access the sensitive information that is stored in the databases and thus a database firewall can generate a specific compliance reports for regulation such as PCI, SOX etc.


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