Are You Willing To Keep Your Database Under Constant Control?

When it comes to making choice of a column-oriented DBMS then one can now make selection of HP Vertica to fulfill their purpose in the best possible way. This particular database can efficiently run on Linux-based commodity enterprise servers combined into clusters. Even though, you would surely find this DBMS perfect option to use for real-time big data analytics but its proper monitoring is really important. Vertica monitoring is really important to avoid several database vulnerabilities that may be misused by the data users for their own specific causes. Apart from it, Database authorities can also get great help by using an advanced monitoring tool if willing to keep the database under constant control. There are actually a number of benefits of using an advanced monitoring tool especially designed for your specific database management system. Database monitoring tool enables database administrators to know who have accessed their database why and when.

Information collected during the process of database monitoring is mainly used for detecting the suspicious behavior of the user activities, exposing as well as investigating data leak to ensure trustworthy data security. There is actual need to get the right information at hand to be studied and analyzed in terms of keeping your sensitive data fully protected from hackers and malicious information.  Different type of information is extracted during the process of Vertica monitoring. For instance, number of rows affected or updated, database user information, client application, query result with indication of database errors, SQL query code and session start and end time. So, what are you waiting for? Make choice of an advanced monitoring tool for your database management system!


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