
Look For An Efficient Database Monitoring Tool!

Organizations making use of SAP HANA, an in-memory platform should also consider choosing an advanced SAP HANA monitoring tool to keep it safe from hackers or malicious users. There are actually a number of benefits of making use of a database activity monitoring tool. By making use of such tools, database administrators can efficiently get clear picture of all database users as well as client applications behavior with so much ease. This tool can efficiently trace database activities performed by the database users in real time in a hassle-free manner. Apart from it, this tool is also well-known to help DBA’s in terms of detecting suspicious user behavior, investigate data breaches as well as reveling database security system vulnerabilities. This tool also notifies database administrators instantly in case any unauthorized action of the database users is detected by it. If you are in search of an effective visualization tool to perform several functions then you should cons...

Avail The Benefits Of Database Audit!

Microsoft SQL Server can efficiently various data types and thus hugely used by majority of big organizations, these days. Even if you are also making use of the same DBMS to store your different types of data or information related to your particular business but you should also consider providing best possible protection to it to avoid data theft and breach by the hackers or malicious database users. Here, it is advisable for you to make use of  MSSQL firewall  tool designed by a well-known software company if willing to protect your DBMS in the most effective way … Read More…

How MS SQL Server Database Firewall Tool Can Help You?

Microsoft SQL Server can efficiently various data types and thus hugely used by majority of big organizations, these days. Even if you are also making use of the same DBMS to store your different types of data or information related to your particular business but you should also consider providing best possible protection to it to avoid data theft and breach by the hackers or malicious database users. Here, it is advisable for you to make use of  MSSQL firewall  tool designed by a well-known software company if willing to protect your DBMS in the most effective way … Read More…

Do You Want To Protect Postgresql DBMS Form Attack Attempts Successfully?

When it comes to PostgreSQL DBMS, it is hugely preferred by most of the business entities today in terms of storing their specific business related data and information. The main reason behind choosing this DBMS by the businesses is that it usually has most of the features common for common for commercial-class database management systems. Besides choosing this particular DBMS, you should also be very cautious about its safety from hackers and malicious database users.  PostgreSQL security  is now easily possible with the support of an advanced and effective security solution designed by a well-known software company… Read More…

Tips To Protect Your DB2 Database Management Systems!

There are several organizations making use of DB2 database management systems, these days. If you are also making use of the same DBMS then you must be also very careful about its security from multiple threats. In this case, you can take help of DB2 security software designed by a renowned software development company. Such tools are mainly designed for the purpose of protecting the database from both internal and external threats. Database security software can also easily prevent unauthorized users’ access to the sensitive and important information or data stored in the database management systems. The main motive of such security tools is to protect the data from data leaks, security breaches and harmful behavior of the database users. This tool can efficiently block the restricted or potentially dangerous requests from database users. As this particular database is usually considered susceptible to several inside and outside threats, you must look for a data-centric mult...

What Makes You Go With Database Audit Tool!

  Most of the business entities today could easily be found making use of Percona Server in order to stores their specific business information. Even though, you would surely find this particular Server databases perfect option to go with when it comes to storing huge data and files but you should also look for an efficient audit tool to protect the database from multiple information security threats. using an efficiently  Percona audit  tool… Read More…

Looking Forward To Protect Percona Server!

Majority of business entities are now making use of Percona Server in order to keep their business’ important and sensitive data or information. If you are also using the same database management system then you should also look for an efficient Percona security solution to protect the database in the most effective way. To protect the database best possibly, you would consider availing the benefits of a Security Suite designed by a well-known and reliable software company. Generally, a database Security Suite includes database audit, database firewall, static and dynamic data masking features. These features can efficiently protect the Percona Server database against both internal and external threats. It is really important for database administrators to make selection of a well-known and trustworthy software company to get hold of the best possible security solutions. There is no denying that all the above mentioned database security tools can protect the database easily f...